
Final Post - Aaaaaaand relax!

I'm quite sad that the Great North Run is all over now. But I think the sadness is more than sufficiently counter-balanced by the relief-filled knowledge that I don't have to go for a run when I get in from the lab tomorrow. Nor do I have to get up on Sunday, put my running kit on and go out for a jog, when I'd much rather be eating cereal on the sofa watching Something For The Weekend. Several people have asked me whether I'll keep up the running now it's over and done with. I'd like to say yes; I'd like to say that I have been filled with a new found love for a pointless and boring form of exercise that leaves me far too red-faced and sweaty. But for those reasons, I fear it is a no. You never know though....I have grown rather attached to my running kit and that smug knowledge that I can run 3 miles without much bother.

Things that will forever remind me of the Great North Run 2011:

A huge thanks to everyone who sponsored me, I'm really grateful for all your support. The current total stands at £454, which far surpasses my target! If you've been following this blog, thank you very much for reading my ramblings. Hopefully you've learnt something along the way, whether it be a bit of science or advice on how not to take a long break in your training (oh July, you hurt so much). Sorry I haven't managed to do another cartoon for this post; I'm sure the art world has gone into mourning upon hearing that news (Microsoft Paint FTW). I've put a few photos up on Facebook, but here's a close up of my sweaty post-race face to finish off the blog.

1 comment:

Chris S said...

Lizzy, that time's mint! Well done on your personal acheivement, and awesome total raised for CF. :)